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The Pink Samurai: Thrifty Thursday: Ragalicious

The Pink Samurai

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Ragalicious

address : 2209A S. 1st St., Austin, TX 78704
hours :  Monday - Friday: 12pm - 7pm | Saturday: 11am - 6pm | Sunday: 12pm - 6pm 

This shop is actually part of a group of shops sharing one building, on a cool (well...for Texas) and shady part of South 1st.  It's like a strip mall, but without the same Bed Bath & Beyond and Chipotle you see everywhere you turn.  The shops are locally owned and operated and have tons of personality.  I drove around the back of the building and around to the part of the lot that was between Ragalicious and Amelia's.  They are literally thisclose.

The view when you first walk in.  Ragalicious has more 80s and 90s than some of the other shops I've visited.  If that's what you're looking for, definitely stop in here.
The shops ceiling is covered in textiles giving it a fun bohemian feel.  
The shop has a cozy feel and the manager behind the counter was so sweet.  The people you meet at the shops are just as important as the inventory.  It's a good thing I live in Austin, where people are so nice ^_^
Someone needs to buy this metallic gold boots immediately!
The inventory at Ragalicious is separated out by item type.  I spent a lot of time at this skirt rack debating an 80s leather skirt.
Men's wear!  Huzzah!  
There's a few accessories scattered in throughout the displays.  That black and white bracelet is definitely on trend right now.
You know I have a problem with vintage fabric.  I'm not a hoarder if I'm going to use it, right?
I absolutely adored this display at the front near the counter.  The layering of the backdrop and mixing of patterns on the mannequins is just so fun!  Also...I totally need to go back and get that dress on the left...it's got a giant flower just stuck on the front!

Like the skirt rack above, I spent a lot of time peeking through this dress rack.  These were a little bit older, 60s and 70s dresses.  I love that they arranged them by color.

I learned that Ragalicious is actually the sister shop to Flashback that's just up the road.  If you're looking for newer vintage, I'd definitely recommend stopping by Ragalicious, but while you're in the area, definitely hit up Flashback if you're looking for older stuff, too.  I really enjoyed this shop.  Their displays were fun, I got a great vibe from the staff and their selection is varied.  I actually got a super cute 60s sundress from their 50% off rack.  I'll have to show it off, soon.  Have any of you stopped by the shops on S. 1st?  I'd love to know what you think!

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