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The Pink Samurai: Diamond Candles - Ring Reveal and Giveaway Info

The Pink Samurai

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Diamond Candles - Ring Reveal and Giveaway Info

Yesterday, I posted about Diamond Candles and I'm excited to show you my ring reveal today.  I was a little impatient and might have poured out some of the melted wax so I could get to the ring more quickly!  Check out the progression...
Ermahgerd! There it is!  It's so fun to see it finally poking out of the wax.  It only took me one day of burning (with pouring out some cuz I'm a cheater) to get to it.  I took a peek at some other reveal photos and it looks like there's some variation on how deep the rings are placed.  But that comes with being handmade...which is awesome.

I grabbed a little dessert dish and a spoon and went to it!  The ring is protected by a zip baggy that's incased with foil.  It was a little messy getting it out.  You'll definitely get some wax on your fingers, but it cools quickly.

Tada!  So sparkly!  Mine was one of the $10 ones...there was nothing on it that indicated I should go to an appraiser.  And it's not really my style as I prefer simpler designs.  Honestly, the rings are super fun and I love the extra surprise, but the candles really stand out on their own.  I mean, this cotton candy guy smells SO GOOD!  The rings are just a fun bonus for me.  I'm a sucker for blind-boxes, so this right up my alley.  So even if the rings aren't your style, don't let that deter you, because you'll miss out on a really nice, handmade, natural soy candle.  There's a honeysuckle one that I want so bad and I'm waiting for it to come back in stock ^_^

Don't forget to visit their website and check out their twitter, instagram and pinterest for more fun reveals.

Enter to win your own Diamond Candle HERE!  All the details are in this post...go go go!



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