Saturday, December 14, 2013

Fun Stuff • 12.14.15

Stuff to Read
  • Kat has some really great tips for taking About photos for your blog.  Her advice is great for any photo, though!
  • Twinkie Chan launched a fun new crochet project recently and I couldn't love the concept more.
  • Janey over on Atomic Redhead wrote a great post reviewing a book that focuses on one woman who committed to wearing a corset every day.  I'm absolutely going to check the book out.

Stuff to Make

Stuff to Wear

Stuff to Eat

Stuff from TPS this Week


  1. Is that a recent pic if the kitties? Brings back major memories of redecorating the lower 2 ft of our tree each morning. At least they never got up inside the branches!

    Love the blog, welcome to Austin.

    FYI - I have a petite furry named Teeks. Turks, meet Teeks. Teeks, meet Turks. ;-)

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    What a great link round up! And thanks for including me!



Sorry for the extra step! Lots of spam means a bit more security here. I'll post your comments asap!