Wednesday, January 01, 2014

January 1 • Happy New Year's Day

Welcome to Day 1 of my 2014 daily drawing project!  I'm calling this year's adventure: Happy Day.  Each day, I'll do a drawing featuring one of the day's obscure or silly holidays (and a cat...because cats).  Sounds fun, right?  I'm pretty stoked about some of the really odd National Days.  Like J.R.R. Tolkien Day and World Hypnotism Day.  Haha!

I'll be sharing each drawing here on the blog and on instagram.  I'm hoping to have a lot of fun and learn a little bit more about the kitschy holidays of the year.  Follow along if you're into cats and silly holidays!

And there's tons of different holidays per day, so if there's one you really want to see, let me know.

Let's do this ^_^ 


  1. Looking forward to seeing your cats!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your daily drawings! Heart Cats!

  3. Yes, please - more kitties! Each one has made me smile. Belated congrats on the 2013 goal. I'm trying to figure out my own 2014 goals (creative, home and health).


Sorry for the extra step! Lots of spam means a bit more security here. I'll post your comments asap!