Thursday, January 02, 2014

Daily Drawings from 2013

Just for's all of 2013's Daily Drawings!  It's not too late to start a yearly project for yourself.  I wrote out some tips on how to pick what to do and how to stick with it all year, so take a look at those if you're interested in embarking on a new creative journey for yourself!

I know I've just been hollering about drawings the past few days, but it's because this is a huge milestone for me.  Being a perpetual procrastinator and notorious foot-dragger, I'd never really stuck with any kind of daily exercise...ever.  This has been a lesson in patience, perseverance and commitment.  I really believe that just the act of doing a drawing every day has made me more aware of my time and helped me recognize that goals can be accomplished each day, even if they're small.  All that little stuff...the baby steps...really do lead to something bigger that you can be proud of.

Ok!  Enough with 2013...well...I have one more post planned with these ladies...but that one is just for fun :P  Time to focus on all those 2014 goals and new Daily Drawings!

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