Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 Goals

This year I've got a theme to my New Year's goals: Go Get It!

I'm all about taking risks, pushing myself further and making an effort to go get what I want and make things happen.  Sometimes, opportunities can fall in your lap and it's so fun when that happens.  But most of them time, good things come to those who work their booties off.  So I'm getting off mine and creating the life I want to live.  With that said, I've broken down this year's specific goals into three different parts, focusing on the blog, the shop and personal growth.

  • More DIYs each month.
  • Expand the blog business by working with brands that I love.
  • Share and organize all the fun vintage/thrift content.
  • Rebrand!
  • Introduce a new line of a whole new fun thing.
  • Offer new products in new retail outlets.
  • Rebrand! 
  • Travel more with my wonderful husband.  We've got so many fun ideas for getaways this year.  I love exploring with him ^_^
  • Read more!  When we were working in DC it was easy to read on the metro, but it's an afterthought now that I'm working from home.  I've got a loose goal of finishing five books this year and I'm hoping to crush it.
  • Visit family more often.  Being back in Texas is such a blessing and I don't want to take that closeness for granted.
  • Get fit.  I know this is a cliche, but the medication I was on for my surgery last year helped me gain a bunch of weight (so nice, right?) and North Austin isn't very walkable so that weight's been sticking around and I'm ready to get rid of it and just lead a healthier life. 

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