Monday, January 06, 2014

Austin Crafternoon!

I'm so excited to announce a super fun crafty event I've been planning!  The first Austin Crafternoon will be held on January 26th! 

Bring your extra supplies, you know that box of yarn that you haven't opened in the last 2 years, or that shelf full of fabric that you're totally going to make something out of like never, and trade them for stuff you'll actually use.  I'm bring said box(es) of yarn, plenty of fabric, embroidery floss, and lord knows what else I can find in the bottomless pit of my craft stash.  If you're wracking your brain for what to bring, I'm secretly hoping for more printmaking ink and lino cut scraps...just sayin'.  And don't forget about tchotchskes and paper scraps for mixed-media art.

 If you're swapping, please try and come by a little earlier to drop of your stuff so we can organize it a little.  The bnb I've rented is close to South 1st street and there's some fun shopping around there, too.  Amelia's, New BROhemia and Ragalicious are all near by and have Sunday hours ^_^ 

I'm making up three new embroidery patterns just for this event if you'd like to hang out and do some stitching.  I'll also have a free scarf pattern you can hang out and make there with your newly swapped yarn, or take it home to make there.  If you've never embroidered or crocheted before, I'll be there to help with some basic instruction.

Oh!  And of course there will be a photo booth to show off your new creations or just get a little silly!

I can't wait to see you there!  If you don't mind, if you're know you're coming, please sign up here, just so I can get an idea of how many folks are showing up.  If there's anything crazy with signing up, please let me know.  This is my first time hosting an even like this, so it's a learning experience for me ^_^ You don't need to bring a ticket, just bring yourself.  And if you don't sign up, that's totally fine.  The more the merrier!

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