Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: New BROhemia

New BROhemia
address : 2209 S. 1st St., Austin, TX 78704
hours :  Sunday - Saturday: 12pm - 9pm 

New BROhemia is a vintage shop that carries exclusively men's clothing, shoes and accessories.  I always get so excited to see men's vintage featured in shops because they're so under-represented, so finding a whole shop dedicated to our men is so fun!  The space organized by item type and size.  The selection is that perfect combination of wearable, basic shirts and pants along with the wacky plaid leisure suits and Hawaiian shirts.  And they have tons of boots.  Take a peek!

Just like any other retailer, the racks are well organized by item type.  But not just by button-ups and and pants.  They separate out the flannels, the Hawaiian shirts, the polos...everything is super easy to find.

So. Many. Boots.  I love how they displayed them against a royal blue wall.  It makes the yellows and reds really pop and makes for a pretty photo ^_^
If you need a patterned shirt, definitely come here!  I kind of love that brown shirt with the orange and yellow triangles.  That's the problem with taking tons of photos...I always find something I want later!
They've really got some of everything.  Leather jackets, vests and a great selection of belts.

I told you they had plaid pants!  My 17 year old quasi punk rock self wants to wear all of these with some docs and a band tee.
You know how you go into some thrift stores and vintage boutiques and find your dad's ridiculously wide and tacky printed ties?  Not here!  They're skinny with simple patterns and so perfect.
All the way in the back, there's an extra room that holds a little more of everything.  Ack!  I just noticed the Dwight Schrute mannequin in the very back!  Yesssssssss!
The back room also has a great selection of jean jackets.  But now I'm super distracted that they have a Dwight model and that makes me so happy ^_^

So dudes, if you love vintage, definitely stop in here.  And ladies, don't pass this shop up when you're looking for vintage.  I got this shirt here and a red bandana (you have to get them already broken in) when I stopped by.  Their t-shirt collection is super fun and they have all sizes.  I didn't even need to size down my shirt.  New BROhemia is definitely a must see.  And it's right next to Ragalicious and Amelia's, so you should probably just stop in all three when you visit ^_^

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