Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Was The Best

2013 was hands-down the most eventful year of my life.  Andy and I shared many big life events and fun experiences!  I'm so glad I picked this year to do my daily drawings, because I have small pieces of each day recorded with each illustration.  My mini diary of this year is so special to me!  I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of my most favorite moments of the year ^_^

We took a stay-cation around Virginia / DC / Maryland in March so we could explore our area.  The trip took us to Dinosaur Land (easily my most favorite spot!), Luray Caverns, Monticello and Ocean City.  The Foamhenge photo up there is from our road trip to Texas...but it was too wonderfully kitschy to leave out.

Our biggest life event was definitely moving to back to Texas!  I was born and raised here, and it had been a goal of mine for years to come back and settle down.  In May, we found out Andy had a new job waiting for him in Austin, so we quit our jobs and made the trek down!  I wrote a couple of post that chronicled the road trip here and here.
Once in Austin, I began blogging like a crazy person and had the opportunity to attend a couple of events based around making blogging a full-time gig.  In the process, I got to meet some of my creative heroes!  Blogcademy was taught by Gala, Kat and Shauna, who were so hands on and wonderfully supportive.  The Texas Style Council had Elsie and Emma as keynote speakers and there were more style bloggers than you could shake a stick at.  I made so many wonderful friends at both events and left each one feeling energized and full of new goals to achieve.
Oh yeah...and I turned 30 this year.  This year was full of milestones and fun travels and so much love!  I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store!

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