Sunday, September 22, 2013

Last Week, on Instagram...

  • Mini S'mores Pies!  I made them from a pinterest recipe (of course).
  • We found the most amazing toy store with tons of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who.
  • Turks flashing his best Blue Steel in front of our own fun collection ^_^
  • Look at these sweet beans!  They love when I don't make the bed.
  • Turks being pitiful.
  • This was a Throwback Thursday of a photo Andy took in our old apartment in Virginia.  Turks loves cheese!  Also...last week was full of Turks photos. #sorrynotsorry
  • I popped over to Ikea during the week and there was no one there!  It was like a Christmas miracle.
  • Fall mean Caramel Apple Pops are in season.  My favorite!
  • Saturday was a block party and sidewalk sale on North Loop.  So fun!

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