Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Drawing: 263 | Vintage Weekend

[This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details]
This weekend was full of vintage fun!  Today, we popped by Amelia's Retro-Vogue & Relics for a sale Amelia was having with a couple of other vendors.  I wanted to check out the sale and see her again, cuz she's kind of the best ^_^  I also got to talk with Rebekka of Bloomera & Frocks.  So fun!  Hi ladies!!!

Andy and I poked around for a bit and talked about blogging and vintage with the ladies.  We were in a bit of a food daze from the enormous breakfast tacos from Mellizoz Tacos @_@  After that, we popped in End of an Ear right next door for the first time.  How is everything on South 1st so awesome?

PS: The dress I wore today was one of my Grandmother's from the 50s.  It's one of my absolute  favorites.

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