Sunday, August 18, 2013

Last Week, on Instagram...

This week was busy, crafty, and full of good food and even better company.

  • Lucky Charms! I always eat the cereal part first and save the marshmallows for last.  
  • Sprinkles disapproves of most things.
  • I tried dip-dying for the first time! I'm going to blog about it next week, but I'm happy with the giant knit scarf I made from the fabric.
  • Painting beads for a new project.
  • Behind the scenes of a Daily Drawing.  Domo runs a tight ship.
  • The sleepiest Turks helped me recover from the first day of Blogcademy
  • I finally spent some time in our closet and had to document all the pink.  Because it's great.

There's a lot more I didn't include because I was snap-happy last week, so if you want to peep more stuff (mostly cats) you can follow along at @thepinksamurai.  Come say hi!

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