Saturday, August 17, 2013

Daily Drawing: 229 | I'm a Blogcadette

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

Today was so full!  Blogcademy is incredible.  The ladies are amazing teachers, totally candid and I can't believe how much I wrote today!  But I'll have a real recap next week!

Also...Today was National Thrift Store Day!  Andy and I went to Savers really quick at the end of the day to celebrate and I found a cute Banana Republic dress for $10!  The thrifting gods blessed us today.  Except it's dry clean only and that's lame.  But I'm sure Pinterest has some kind of tip for at-home dry cleaning :P

I'm off to bed so I can have an early start in the morning!  I hope everyone's weekend is going well!


  1. How exciting! I'm doing the Blogcademy in November here in Melbourne and I can't wait! Looking forward to hearing more about the workshop. x

  2. Pearl! You're going to have a blast! It was seriously transformative...I'm so excited you're going! Say hi to the headmistresses for me ^_^


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