Monday, August 05, 2013

Last week, on Instagram...

What a full week!

Turks was a handful, as usual.  I put that mirror up in our bedroom the other day, and not 2 minutes after I did, he was staring longing into his own eyes.

The one of the me on the cow was a quick trip to Amy's Ice Cream at the Arboretum.  We found some giant cows and had to sit on them...naturally.

And the weekend was full of the Texas Style Council!  I've posted a bit on instagram, and will do a full recap after I've recovered a bit more from it haha!

Turks turned 4 last week!  Our sweet bad kitten is getting so old :P

I checked out Thrifty Chicks Vintage for the first time and posted about it for Thrifty Thursday.  I need to go back and really comb through these patterns some more.

The last two are of Sprinkles being a crazy person.

I hope everyone had a great week last week!


  1. i know it's only monday, but that first photo set of turks is the best thing i'll see all week. it almost makes me want to use my desk to see what tess does!

    xo nicole

  2. Hahaha! He was driving me nuts that day. There's video proof, too!

  3. Your cat is so cute! My old cat used to do exactly the same the same thing; every time I'd be using the computer she'd jump up on the desk and try to get all of my attention by acting silly. Of course she'd win every time! Too cute to resist -)


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