Friday, August 02, 2013

July Favorites

So much happened in July!  I'm so happy that I got to make and do so many things this summer, I just wanted to share some of my favorites.

Thrifty Thursday! 
Gatherings in Georgetown, TX was my favorite antique shop this month.  The displays and curated goods were just perfect.

I did a couple of embroidery DIYs last month and they were so fun.  The kittens still make me giggle...the one in the bag is my favorite.  And turning your handwriting into embroidery is so super easy!

Life Lately!
I shared a few peeks in to our new space.  It's still very much a work in progress, and I talked about my goals for the space and what I really want it to be for us as a couple and family.  It's already more of a home than our last place, and were were there for 2 years.

Also...gratuitous photos of kittens.  Expect more of this.

Fabric Design!
I finally shared the story of the scarf collection I designed for Crafty Bastards last winter.  It was definitely a learning experience!

200 Daily Drawings!
I reached 200 daily drawings in my 365 project this year!  It's huge milestone and I still can't believe I've really stuck with it.

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