Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Cobblestone

address : 712 South Austin Ave., Georgetown,Texas 78626
hours :  Monday - Saturday: 10am - 5:30pm | Sunday: 12pm - 5pm

This shop is another one in Georgetown, TX, just up the road and across the street from Gatherings.  It's in a strip of old shops just across the courthouse.  The area is just gorgeous!

Now, I have to tell you.  My main reason for visiting was because I'd read that the upstairs was haunted.  I've got this thing where I want to meet a ghost and I really don't want to meet a ghost.  I can't remember if I talked about the ghosts we heard in the old bed and breakfast we stay at in Michigan...but I swear I heard them!  Anyway...this place was too intriguing so I stopped in for a peek.

I did another instagram tour, like with Gatherings, so here's a peek at what it's like to get your feed blown up with cool old stuff...

And on to the rest of the photos!

Player piano!  Chairs on the wall!  It's hard to know where to start when you walk in, but just dive in and you'll be happy.
The front has a few glass cases full of super cute jewelry, brooches and knick knacks.
OMG! The stairs that go to the haunted attic!  I was sooooo silly nervous to go up.  The lady at the counter even mentioned it was haunted and said you never know what might turn up in the pictures.  I don't know that ghosts show up in digital photography, though. Haha!
When you go upstairs, they've got fans going to cool it off which end up rustling the tags and giving this great background noise that really gets you pumped for ghosts.  But then you get distracted by all the awesome stuff.
This absolutely gorgeous spinning wheel was in the middle space, with a skylight shining it's heavenly beam upon it.  There really should've been angels singing when I looked up and saw it.  Incredible.  I think it was under $200, too.  I'm still getting acclimated to the lower antique and thrift prices in Texas!  
There's lots more furniture upstairs and it's just a really cool space to visit.  The quiet of the air, the creaking of the old floorboards, and the vague anticipation of encountering a ghost, just give it this kind of magical quality.  I'd love to know what the space was before it became the shop.

So, by the time I had gotten to the front of the attic and was walking back, I was kind of freaked out by how far I was from the stairs in the back.  At that point, I was convinced there was some kind of presence near me.  I couldn't see anything, it was just a feeling.  Then, not two feet away from me, something in the corner shifted and scared the snot out of me!  There were no fans in that area, it wasn't something I touched, or the floor boards.  It was a ghost!  I mean, probably not, but still.  Totally a ghost.  I scooted back downstairs so fast and didn't look back haha!

Now that this antique store piece has dissolved into a terrible ghost story, I have to say that this was a cool shop.  Cobblestone has a very eclectic selection with good prices.  Definitely take the time to look around.  This is a place where you might have to do a little digging.  But if you do, you'll find something like the Singer sewing machine from my instagram tour and just want to keel over.  Love it!

***If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like to feature, just shoot a note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook and why you love it, I'd love to take a look!!!***

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