Friday, May 31, 2013

Leaving the East Coast - Part 1

A week and half ago, Andy and I sent all our earthly belongings (save what we could get by with for a month) on a truck to be shipped across the country.  We curled up in an empty bedroom for our last night in our first apartment.  The kittens were amazingly confused.  First wondering why there were boxes everywhere and then mad at us that we took their climbing towers away.  They're very opinionated kittens.

Andy and I had been wanting to leave the East Coast for a while.  Working in DC for a few years was fun, and I loved being around all that National history.  Going to the Natural History Museum was one of our favorite things to do!  But we were both transplants to the area, myself from Texas and Andy from Michigan, and we really couldn't see ourselves setting down roots there.  Any time I would think about starting our family...what our house would be just seemed so far away from DC/VA/MD.

Cue, Andy's new job!  He got a position with a wonderful company in Austin!  I went kind of out of my mind with happiness for a little bit.  It was so hard to believe I'd finally be going home!  I grew up in Central Texas and the Hill Country is my favorite place to be.  But they wanted him to start in just a few weeks!  So we launched into packing and all the fun logistics that go along with moving across the country.  Those few weeks were a whirlwind of activity and emotion.  As much as I'd been wanting to leave the area, I knew I was going to miss the people we'd be leaving behind.  I lead a team at work of some of the best people I could imagine!  It was really hard to leave them and what I'd built, but they were so sweet and gave me a wonderful send off.

And of course, my parents and sister are still on the East Coast, and I can't even tell you what saying goodbye was like.  They are always there for me...constant support and encouragement.  They've always been within driving distance and it's so weird to think I can't just pop over and surprise them.  But the internet is a wonderful place!  Communication is a very different thing than just a few years ago, and that's a comforting thought.  I've already been google chatting with Mom like crazy ^_^

So!  After all the packing and farewells...we shoved off!

Most of the trip out of Virginia looked a lot like this.  Gorgeous.  Once you get away from the city, the state is really beautiful.

And then...there was Foamhenge.  We were planning on stopping by during our stay-cation week, but it was just a smidge too far after we'd already been all over.  I was thrilled when I found out it was on our route!  Like seriously...giddy!  When we got there I just ran around giggling haha!

Foamhenge is pretty much the definition of roadside America...and kitsch.  It's the best!  If you ever find yourself out that way, you MUST stop by!  Our first day on the road took us out of VA and into Tennessee.  It was a long day and a good day and it was our first step into a new adventure!  More on Tennessee and Arkansas (We did both in one day!) in another post.  There are just so many photos to share!

1 comment:

  1. That's funny, I drove past the real thing just a week or so ago. Making a copy of Stonehenge out of foam is am amazing idea.

    Have a safe journey! :)


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