Friday, April 19, 2013

Thrifty Thursday...erm Friday: Denova

address : 1021 West 36th Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
hours :  Wednesday – Sunday: 11am - 5pm

Today we're heading back to the Hampden area of Baltimore to Denova.  It's right up the street from David's on the Avenue and carries mostly mid-modern furniture and I mostly want to own everything they have.  The prices are a bit more than David's, but the quality of the pieces is much higher and more consistant throughout the shop.  There's also A LOT more inventory.

When you walk in, it's just stuffed with so much, it's almost sensory overload.  I swear I get anxiety whenever I walk into a place like this because I get so overly excited about everything!  There's lost of little staged areas to wander through and definitely take a peek upstairs.  I'll let the photos do the talking now...

This is what greets you first step in.  It's hard not to pass out in the entry way.  I'll take one of each please.
Upstairs is just as packed.  You can see the steps going down on the left bottom of the photo. 

I love that the inventory is specific to furniture and home decor.  The staged areas they have are so cute, I just want to take home a whole display!

Denova is a must see if you're in Hampden and love mid-century decor.  The prices are better than what you'd find in DC, the pieces are all extremely high quality and there's just so much to choose from!  I've been on a perpetual hunt for a china cabinet for my Grandmom's china, and I think I'll save my pennies and come back here.

If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like me to feature, just shoot a note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook, address, hours a few things that make it awesome, I'd love to take a look!!!

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