Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last Week, on Instagram

Last week was, without a doubt, one of my favorite weeks.  Just ever.  Andy and I took time off for a stay-cation and explored all around the DC, VA, MD area.  We went everywhere!  My sweet little car finally crossed over the 100k mile mark and I couldn't have been more proud of the beat up girl.

The short break was really fun, and aside from exploring, we took the time to work on personal projects and make plans for the future.  We've both got some fun things on the horizon and I can't wait to see how they turn out!

Dinosaur Land!
Luray Caverns!
Ocean City, MD!

My to-do list means nothing to Sprinkles.  I did a lot of blog design and planning this week and I'm so excited for where I want to take things!
Late-night crocheting.  I'll be adding some new stuff to my shop this week!
We hopped over to Monticello on Friday.  More pics to come!

Maybe some day, I'll figure out how to make every week like this week ^_^

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