Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Salem: A Halloween Weekend

So we went to Salem last weekend for a quick road trip.  We went with my Sister-in-law and her husband.  Andy and I drove up to NY from DC to meet them, drop our car off and take theirs over through the Hamptons and took the ferry over to New London, CT.  I'd never been than far North, so I was a bit nervous about the climate.  (I'm a baby when it gets below 60°)  Also, I'd never been on a ferry before!

Turns out Salem is a super commercial carnival on Halloween weekend, though.  We were hoping for more of the history.  Instead we got tourists eating fries off of 300 year old graves.  #disappointing

But it was really cool just being there, and I'd definitely love to go back on the off season and walk around more cemeteries and read up on more of the history of it all.  We took a chance to go visit Boston while we were up there, so that was super fun!  It was a weekend of firsts!

Here's some photos from instagram of the weekend!

The ferry!

This was all one giant diorama with hella creepy mannequins and a tape of a dude telling the story of the trials.  Almost worth it for the kitsch.

Frank and I go way back. 
This was in Boston.  This was the spot where the first shot of the Boston Massacre was fired.

Boston is gorgeous and I want to go back in the day time ^_^


  1. very nice halloween photo they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing these great photo.

  2. Dude, you were in New England and didn't come see me!? :O

    I'm jking, I was busy anyway and I know you were with others! ;p


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