Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crafty Bastards

Crafty Bastards was incredible!

First off, I'm still astounded that I was accepted into this show.  I was in the same row as Jay McCarroll!  It was so great to be right next to Neogranny, meet Milk & Honey Bags in real life (her instagram is great!) and be approached for some wholesale opportunities.  Such a wonderful day that, hopefully, will lead to even more wonderful days.

Here's some pics from instagram...

Unpacking begins.  The booth was close to the front entrance and we had a straight line to the potties.  Essential. 

Getting the banner and fringe hung was a big win haha!  Note shown: the obscene amount of bright pink duct tape that's holding it all together.

All ready!

This was my view during the VIP hour from 9-10.  It was pretty chill...just people doing their first rounds.

And this is the face of a girl who made her first sale!!!  

Also, spent the day battling my fringe.

This was my view for the rest of the day.  It was insane!

Then it thinned out a lil :P

There was a gorgeous sunset behind this one...I promise.

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