Monday, January 09, 2012


So I'm not much for taking outfit photos of myself. I'll leave to the super cute chicks like Amy Morby and Elsie Larson. But I love drawing self portraits, and I used to do it really regularly on my metro ride home from work. Andy and I have started drawing together in the evenings again, and it's so much fun to get back into the habit. I just shared one of my outfits on our Museum Date this weekend and figured I'd share a few more. Also, Instagram has been my wonderfully lazy way of getting pics onto the internets :P AND it turns out only washing your darks for 2 weeks, makes you really creative with your wardrobe!

Black shirt » H&M years ago
Camel Sweater » Old Navy
Jeans » Gap
Scarf » Old Navy
Shoes » Vans Authentic Lo Pro in teal

Dress » Modcloth
Cardigan » Target years ago
Tights » Victoria's Secret
Flats » Rocket Dog

Tank Top » Gap last summer
Sweater » Old Navy years and years and years ago
Pants » Gap


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