Sunday, January 08, 2012

Museum Monday!

So this probably won't be a regular thing, but the last couple of weekends we took some time to visit some of our favorite museums on the National Mall. Last weekend we played with dinosaurs and gems...this weekend we peeped the National Gallery and swung by the Air & Space Museum. Here! Have some photos!


Secret tip...the gelato at the National Gallery is delicious!

The tunnel to the East Building...which houses all the modern art.

Enormous Calder mobile. It was spinning like crazy that day.


I was actually really excited to see Newman's Stations of the Cross. I loved learning about them in art school and never expected to actually see them. They are breathtaking in person.

After the National Gallery, we tootled over to Air & Space. On the way across The Mall, we saw some nerds. Now, I think everyone should visit the Nation's Capitol. I think it's so cool that I actually live here and I'm surrounded by so much history. But some notes from a local, if you do come: Don't ever go on a segway tour. You will get laughed at. Just use your legs, lazy. Escalator etiquette is key. Stand to the right, walk on the left. And Don't eat at McDonald's. Good grief, look up some local food. I promise it's delicious.

Touching a moon rock.

This is Andy in front of the actual Enterprise! The real model that was used in the original show. We visit it every time we go to Air & Space. You really do have to make a point to go visit it, considering it's in the basement of the gift shop >_< Rude. I think it deserves a smidge more respect, but I do get to see it pretty much whenever I I guess I shouldn't complain.

Sculptural representation of the Big Bang.


We had such a fun day! I've been drawing little self portraits again and posting them to instagram, and I drew myself taking pics with my phone for Saturday ^_^

I hope you like my little museum tours! I'm a huge nerd for museums, and living near DC means I get the best. I wonder if there's any that you'd like me visit for you? The Hirschhorn is really great. And I've never been to the Native American Museum. Maybe a tour of the West Building of the National Gallery, too? Or the Portrait Museum! That's right by where I work in Chinatown. Anyway! Yeah...more museums will definitely be happening.



  1. Ahhh, I miss the museums! And I actually never knew the Enterprise was there! It's like an Easter egg for the museum, lol.

    And thank you for mentioning escalator etiquette. I was at a shopping mall this weekend behind some teen girls who were stationary and taking up the whole thing, and I'm like, "Have these people ever been to a city!? Stand right, walk left!!"

    Also, I thought of you because there was a Sanrio store at the mall!

  2. Yeah! Escalator etiquette is essential for my mental health in the morning. I *might* have whapped a dude with my newspaper once cuz he was dorking around on the left when my train was coming >_<

    Also...I need to visit a Sanrio stor right now!!!!


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