Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend Thrift Shopping

It has been a while since I've really been thrift shopping and with the holidays so close, I've been really wanting to dig through some vintage Christmas-y stuff. I googled thrifts stores in DC / VA and came across Unique! They're owned by the same people that run Value Village, so I knew we'd found a cool place. Here are some photos!

Such an awesome store front.

Oh look! Christmas is that way!

The Claus', a stenograph, a Kodak 8mm film projector & a Lady Baltimore suitcase in the best condition I've ever seen.

Turns out there was an Asian grocery store in the same shopping center. It was like a perfect storm of awesome.

So fancy!

My haul is on the bottom: Brown Sugar & Milk hard candy, a couple of Pocky's and a Hello Kitty rice bowl and steamer combo!

We had so much fun ^_^ Ended up coming home with a Little Drummer Boy album (which immediately made it into our Christmas rotation) and a giant bag of tinsel (for an upcoming DIY project). Unique was definitely huge, but you really had to dig to find the good stuff. It makes me sad that most thrift store now are over-run by crap from the 80s and 90s. Sorry, but I don't need 3 Who Wants to be a Millionaire board games :/

In addition to Unique, we passed a Goodwill on the way that we stopped in on the way back. I found something there that was so perplexing I just had to share. I give you, Harry Potter and the Narcissistic Reporter:


Yes. That is a small sculpture of Harry Potter reading, glued to the front of What's a Woman Doing Here? A Reporter's Report on Herself by Dickie Chapelle. You're welcome.



  1. That's the biggest thrift store I've ever seen. I feel like I need to take a vacation there. Immediately.

  2. hahaha it was out of control. The Christmas section alone could've been it's own store!


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