Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa Fe Exploring


On our first day in town we decided to walk over to the State Capitol and take a little self-guided tour. I couldn't help thinking a little bit about Pawnee when we were poking around ^_^ There was artwork all over the building and the architecture of the building its self was so cool. Before we went in, though, we met the most amazing man. I was just snapping photos of the front when this older gentleman told me to stand to left, it was the best angle to get the whole thing. I took his advise and he was so right (hence the top photo). Then he asked if I could take a photo of him infront of the building. I absolutely obliged, and when he came back to look at the photo, he said, "I'm done. I'm finally done." Turns out he had visited every state capitol in the continental US! By only driving! He said we were cheaters for flying in ^_^ I just thought it was so cool to be a part of such a big moment in a stranger's life.


There were so many fun shops just right across the street from our hotel. The sign above the buttons says, ".50 a handfull"!


Ugh! I still have so many photos to share! Later that day we visited the St. Francis Cathedral Basilica, walked around the plaza and found some really great shops. So're just going to have to deal with so many more photos :P

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