Sunday, December 08, 2013

Starting Our Project Life Album

I'm so excited to start diving into our new Project Life album.  Growing up, my parents had two or three photo albums filled with family photos.  It was always so fun to look through them and see our family growing through the years.  I remember when I got my first camera and how my mom used to develop film in the upstairs room of our home.  And picking up mystery rolls of film from the local photo lab was always exciting!  That's before they were developed in 1 hour :P

Physical photos are just so special to me, so having an album with all our pictures in it is just so much better than clicking through facebook albums.  Project Life's album layouts make the photo arranging as much of an art as the photos themselves.  My graphic designer brain is already planning my next layout designs.  I got a variety of pages and the Sunshine collection of cards to add some more graphic elements in with the photos.  Andy and are going to make a few card designs of our own to toss in there, too.

Here's what I've got so far!

I had so much fun putting these pages together!  I'm hoping to have a lot more updates with different layouts as the album expands.  How do you feel about physical versus digital photos?

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