Monday, December 23, 2013

DIY Christmas Memory Chain

In our family, we've got a tradition of making a Memory Chain every Christmas.  It's something my mom grew up making and I always enjoyed making my own as a kid and now as an adult.  It's super easy and probably doesn't even need instructions, but here you go!

  • Green and Red construction paper
  • Scissors or paper cutter
  • Metallic Sharpie 
  • Stapler
  • Cut your paper into 2" strips.
  • Write down one of your favorite Christmas memories on each strip of paper.
  • Staple one into a circle.
  • Put the contrasting color through the first circle and staple.
  • Keep making the chain.
  • Hang it up and enjoy!
This is a such versatile project!  It can easily be made to match your decor.  If you're not into the red and green...use white strips and colorful ink or get fancy and play around with letter or calligraphy.  You could even use this idea at Thanksgiving and write down all the things everyone is thankful for and display it during dinner.  Or write your New Year's resolutions!  Or write all the reasons you love your darlin' on Valentines...the possibilities are endless!  Andy's family used to make one as an Advent calendar and would put 24 rings together and take one off each days to countdown Christmas.  So fun!  Let your imagination go crazy with this one ^_^

If you're curious, here are the memories I wrote for this little chain:
  • Eating Mom's chocolate chip cookies everyday
  • Aunt Becky's yummy toffee
  • Calling the whole family on speaker phone on Christmas Day
  • Our traditional Commander Riker gift (I'll have to explain that one later haha!)
  • Chasing the cats out of the tree
  • Waking up at 3am to peek at my stocking
  • Leaving cookies out for Santa
  • Listening to the Carpenters nonstop
  • And being the first to yell "Christmas Gift" to get to open the first present

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I'd make it for Christmas, but I guess its a little to late. Maybe I could make something like it but in different colours? Merry Christmas, anyway! ^_^


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