Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Forever 21 Bats and Cats Line is Literally the Cat's Pajamas

I was perusing Fashionably Geek, one of my most favorite fashion blogs, when I saw a pencil skirt with Batman symbols all over it and there was no hesitation in my clicks.  Turns out that Forever 21 has a ridiculously huge line of Batman and Catwoman (!!!) clothing for sale right meow!

Now, it has to be said that Catwoman is one of my favorite characters created in all of storytelling.  You've seen my Catwoman collection, but have I also mentioned that I have every modern day issue (90s included!) of every Catwoman comic and graphic novel?  Well I do.  Also, I totally met both Julie Newmar AND Lee Meriwether.  (After freaking out and walking around outside for an embarrassingly long time to work up the courage haha!)  So yeah...I'm a nerd for Catwoman.

I'm definitely going to visit a Forever 21 soon, so I can add another Catwoman item to the collection.  I've picked out my favorites to share above.

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