Monday, October 07, 2013

A Warrenton & Round Top Weekend

Last weekend, I traveled to Warrenton and Round Top, TX with my family to check out Antique Weekend.  I'd read about it in Martha Stewart Living a while ago and never heard about it when I lived in Texas before.  Turns out it's the best thing ever!  Miles and miles of antiques, vintage stuff and arts and crafts.  It's just unbelievable.  Even with some wonderful advice from Rebekka, I was still not fully prepared for the experience.

If you've been reading for a while, you know I love diving into dense vintage shops, but this was so much more!  Picture: 90°, clear sky, a never ending line of cars going down a road that's lined on both sides with tents two and three deep for 13 miles!  The sale encompasses 3 tiny towns and we hardly made it through just one.

We didn't end up buying anything except snoballs and nachos, but we got lots of photos of the amazing booths.  Take a look!

When we pulled in, there was a line of cars as far as you could see in both directions.  Admittedly, we stopped by on the last weekend when the most vendors where showing, resulting in crazy crowds.  
Police trophy!  This booth was our favorite.  It was like a junior high closed and sold their all of the stuff.  Which is probably the case, actually.  Gimme those lockers.
There's a lot more photos on my camera just of vintage type.  I absolutely adore vintage package design.  The simplicity of the shapes and attention to detail in the lettering makes me swoon!
In our wanderings, there was a display just filled with old Coke bottles.  No one was tempted for a drink, though.
That type!  Vintage cookbooks are definitely a weakness of mine, too.  
As we walked up the street, we'd pass tents and shops in buildings.  I was most interested in what was between these buildings.  So many letters from old signs!  I told Andy, I'd love to have a collections of H's someday.
A very old box.
While some of the booths had their inventory just displayed on tables or in tubs, some used their space to create wonderful vignettes.
Something I haven't seen since spending a lot of time at the beach in Ocean City, was a plane advertisement.  It's so old school and wonderful!  There was almost no reception there and it was nice to not feel so connected.  I would've loved to instagram the whole thing, but I know I would've missed some cool stuff with my nose stuck in the phone.
My lovely Aunt, helping display this amazing shoe!  The sole had Philippines in a gorgeous script and the wedge was carved all the way through.  Too bad they fit the teeniest Cinderella feet!
This was another favorite booth!  I didn't get the name, but I think it was Little Black Dress, from what I saw of Rebekka's account from the show.
I hope I can find Little Black Dress again because I'm kicking myself for not getting these bowls!  They're milkglass and just the most perfect set of bowls I ever did see.  Ugh!  If anyone reading has seen these bowls, please let me know!  Neeeeed.
I hope you woke up this morning wondering if you'd see the most precious pair of baby moccasins in existence.  Because if you did, I just fulfilled your wildest dreams!
This was the scene all day long.  Cars, people and tents as far as the eye could see.
I imagined using these for a piece with Andy and my initials and the years we were born ^_^  
We stopped at the Smoothie Bug so my cousin could get a...smoothie.  We were all trying to figure out how this vehicle came to be and just had no idea!  I love it.
While walking around, almost the whole time we heard this loud clanking sound in the distance.  On our way back to the car, we stopped by and saw that it was for making stone ground cornmeal.  So cool!  My aunt got some of the cornmeal and promised to make us some yummy cornbread.
By the end, we were sunburned and exhausted from the heat.  But I'm so glad we trekked over there and could spend some time with family and look at old stuff.  Next year, we'll be a little more prepared with floppy hats, sunscreen, bitty personal fans and a roll cart for all the stuff I'll actually get!  No more kicking myself for missing out on the good stuff.  Just buy it!

Has anyone else visited?  Any other words of wisdom for tackling the fair?


  1. If that was Little Black Dress, the vendor's name is Barbara. She has a booth in the back of Gypsies Antiques on Burnet Road (just south of North Loop). She has AMAZING pieces as does the owner, Debbie. They should have everything back in the store this week. Tell them that I sent you!

  2. Little Black Dress is Barbara who also vends at Gypsies Antiques on Burnet Road. The owner is Debbie and together, they have AMAZING pieces - clothes, furniture, accessories, smalls. Stop in and say hello; they should have the store back together next week from the show this past weekend.


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