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The Pink Samurai: Thrifty Thursday: Flashback

The Pink Samurai

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Flashback

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address : 1805 S. 1st St., Austin, TX 78704
hours :  Monday - Friday: 12pm - 7pm | Saturday: 11am - 6pm | Sunday: 12pm - 6pm

When I went to Blogcademy a few weeks ago, the event was held at a co-working space down on 1st St.  I was excited because I knew there were a couple of vintage shops right down the street.  On the second day I went to lunch with Kiriko, Nova and Christine and we stopped in Flashback on the way back to class.  I couldn't resist the discoball-Daily Planet-esque signage and the little blue house.  It's also right near some delicious food stops and the "Welcome to Austin" mural, so this is a great stop if you want to get some good food and photo-ops when you visit.

Each room of the house was filled with different types of goodies.  Most of the inventory was clothing (organized by decade) and jewelry, but there were a few home decor items scattered about in cute displays.  And they had a great selection of men's clothes and boots, too.  

To the photos!
Flashback is such vibrant shop! There's lots of natural light just pouring in the front and bright, cheerful colors everywhere you look.  You know the owner loves to have fun, if she decorates like this!
Dresses by decade.  The stockists also have a great eye.  The colors, patterns and cuts of these dresses are indicative of their time period and still modern.  Totally kicking myself for not getting that red striped number.
How great is that floral jewelry box?!  To the right of it is a box full of gloves, too!  Too bad my long fingers never fit in vintage gloves haha :P
When you start working back into the shop, it's like there's always just one more room to explore.  There's rooms with more women's clothing and room dedicated to the men.
Fluffy petticoats forever!
How great would this lounge sign look in someone's...lounge?!
I adored the display of aprons.  I haven't seen a lot of them while exploring around the area and I think vintage aprons are so adorable.  I love thinking about the Grandmothers that used to wear them and what they made.  They must've prepared some delicious meals in those aprons.  I've got one of my Grandmom's aprons and it's so special to me.
I told you the men weren't left out here!  I love finding good selections of men's clothing because it seems like they're so under represented.  The Texas shops always have great selections of boots, too.  Look how beautiful these are!

Flashback is a super fun shop with unique personality.  We actually found this really great selection of giant iron-ons and Christine and I got one!  I'll have to do a post on it when I figure out what to put it on.  Definitely stop by 1st. St. to 
explore a little classic Austin vibe.  And most definitely stop by Flashback to explore a little vintage fun!

/// If you've got any shops you love, or own, that you'd like me to feature, just shoot a note over to becky@thepinksamurai with the name, website/facebook, address, hours a few things that make it awesome, I'd love to take a look!!!

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