Sunday, September 15, 2013

Last Week, on Instagram...

  • Every time I lay down on my stomach, Turks curls up on my butt.
  • I mean, look at this guy!
  • Last week, I visited a few awesome vintage spots.  Ragalicious was one of them.
  • And Amelia's Retro-Vogue and Relics.  Check out more photos of Amelia's here!
  • Houston. I need someone to show me a good time in Houston, because every time I go, it's the pits.
  • See?  Right after coming back from Houston, I had a flat.  Thank goodness it happened right at the end of the trip and Andy was there to help.  Hooray for not being stuck in the middle of the road!
  • I mean seriously....look at this guy!
  • Andy surprised me with Tumblweeds!  
  • And we ended the week with a trip into San Marcos for some Manske rolls and Paper Bear.
It was a wonderfully full week!  I'm hoping this week will be the same ^_^

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