Friday, September 27, 2013

Exploring Austin - Texas Memorial Museum

When Andy and I first started dating, one of our favorite places to go together was the Smithsonian Natural History Museum.  We bonded over our love of dinosaurs when we first met and I brought my Parasaurolophus toy to work to put on my desk.  Thus, Dino Dates were born!

After moving to Austin, I was thrilled to find out we had our our natural history museum in the Texas Memorial Museum.  A lot of their fossils and mineral were found here in Texas.  True Texans ^_^  As you can imagine, it's no Smithsonian.  But that also means there's no crowds of tourists standing thisclose to you while you try peep some dinos.  A welcome difference, to say the least.  We even had the whole room to ourselves for a while!

Parasaurolophus!  If you know which one I'm talking about, we need to be friends forever.  

There's so much more to this museum than just dinos and I know Andy and I will make this spot a staple in our local travels.  Has anyone else been?  I feel like I might have gone in grade school but can't remember. I can't wait to go back!

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