Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DIY Dip-Dyed Circle Scarf

I tried dip-dying for the first time!  My last experience with dying fabric was turning my white gloves pink for Prom, and we're not going to talk about how long ago that was.  I found a couple of tutorials online, as I am wont to do, and I really wanted to try them out together.  Circle scarves are a staple of my fall/winter wardrobe, and while I've made a few of these out of other fabrics, I really wanted to do the fabric dying myself this time.  So I got my supplies and set to work!  These supplies will give you enough to make two scarves, one fatty one and one bitty one.  Those are technical terms, btw.

You'll need:
  • Dip-Dye Tutorial - A Pair and a Spare
  • Circle Scarf Tutorial - Come on, Ilene
  • 2 yards white jersey knit fabric - I got mine at JoAnn's but this one on Amazon is cheaper.
  • One package powder Rit Dye - I got mine at Michaels, but Amazon has it, too.
  • 1 container to soak your fabric - mine was a tub from Target
  • Small containers to separate out your dye - I used some small dessert dishes.
  • Rubber gloves - this might be the most import step! You can get these at your local grocery store, or from Amazon :P
First: Cut a 12" piece from the length of your fabric.  This will be the width of your smaller scarf.

Next: Follow the dying directions from A Pair and a Spare.  For mine, I dyed the fatty scarf from top to bottom, knowing that I wanted the darker part of the scarf to be at the bottom.  The smaller scarf, I dyed horizontally, so the gradient went all the way around.
Once your fabric is dyed and washed, it's time to scoot over to Come on, Ilene and sew it all up!
Next time around, I'll definitely leave more white space near the lightest parts and probably time it so it's a little more even.  Also, I'd love to try the liquid dye next time, since it was kind of a pain to mix the powder in and some of it didn't dissolve all the way.  But I'm still really happy with the result!  The fatty guy is actually going to go to a friend of mine for a craft swap ^_^

This makes me want to try even more fabric dying and printing techniques.  Now...if only fall would come to Austin haha!

PS: Sprinkles is adorable, isn't she?!

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