Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Diamond Candles

A couple of weeks ago, Diamond Candles contacted me for a collaboration and giveaway.  They're a family owned company that hand makes candles from all natural soy that's grown in the US.  So basically they hit every criteria of businesses I love to support!  They're not just candles, though.  They put a ring inside the candles!  The rings could be worth anywhere between $10 and $5,000.  So fun!

I chose the Carnival Candy candle to go in our bathroom that I just finished decorating.  I love this little vignette between our sinks and the candle (which is bright pink...duh) fits in perfectly.  We've got a couple of flameless candles, a pink ring and jewelry holder from Target's $1 aisle, our deer nurse tin from Toy Joy, a little bowl of soaps from Blogcademy sponsor Strawberry Hedgehog, and my Hello Kitty iPhone speakers were a gift from Andy.  The little kitten in front is one I've had since I was little. 

I love this little space so much!  And the candle smells exactly like cotton candy.  Is it possible for something to smell cute?

The little smidge there in the upper left is the ring!

My candle is burning right now and I will post again tomorrow with the ring reveal!  If you follow on me on instagram, I probably won't be able to stop myself from sharing earlier ^_^ Check out Diamond Candles' video to learn a little bit more about them and enter below to win your own Diamond Candle!  There's a few ways to enter and you can enter up to 3 times by becoming a fan of Diamond Candles on Facebook, following them on Pinterest or signing up for their email.  Do it to it!

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/70076f357/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

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