Monday, September 23, 2013

Daily Drawing: 264 | The Tenth Doctor

[This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details]
So, I powered through seasons 2-4 of Doctor Who on Netflix.  I finished watching all of the Tenth Doctor and I might have been bawling at my desk today.  When I watch a show or movie, I can get so invested in the characters, it's like my empathy is on overdrive and that happened so bad in Doctor Who!  It's mostly Rose's fault...girl can cry!  I'm tentatively going into this next season, trying to be open to a new interpretation of the Doctor, but wary of all the newness.  He even gets a new sonic screwdriver!  Andy actually got me one of my one ^_^

Has anyone else watched?  Sci-Fi is one of my favorite genres of...anything really.  I've been reading only that lately.  And after finishing up all of Star Trek, we're looking for more Sci-Fi to fill the void.  Anyway!  Who else has watched the new series?  I want to talk about itttt!

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