Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Drawing: 269 | Gamer Girl

[This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details]
When I was younger, I saved up all my little monies and bought a Sega Game Gear.  It was my most favorite thing.  And since then, I've loved video games.  There was even a three year stint in a past life where I managed a video game store.  Andy has a similar life-long love of gaming and we were so stoked to find a bunch of independently owned game stores in Austin that carry vintage games for every console and handheld you can imagine.  We hit up a couple of our favorite spots today and I found one of my most favorite games...which is actually the first game I ever beat.  Jurassic Park for the Game Gear!  Now I just have to find a new Game Gear to play it on haha!

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