Wednesday, September 18, 2013

B & A Co.

Andy and I have been admiring this old HEB for a couple of months and were pretty stoked to come take some shots down here.  I was so happy with this outfit I put together the other day!  I had to go out into civilization for actual business, so my usual uniform of a white v-neck and cutoffs wouldn't really cut-it.  Even though the folks I was meeting with probably wouldn't care, cuz they're totally cool...but I digress.  I wanted to dress up.  Plus it's always fun to dress up a t-shirt.

Working from home, it's so easy to just settle into your routine, toss on whatever's clean (or not) and sit at your desk all day.  But it's so important for me to step away from the screen and mix up my day.  Even just putting on a skirt instead of jeans or yoga pants help put me in a different mind set.  It helps to get me out of the routine and starts me thinking about new things and feeling inspired ^_^

Shirt • New BROhemia
Skirt • H&M (a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away)
Shoes • Urban Outfitters (2 years ago)
Bag • A gift from Andy
Bracelet • Son of a Sailor

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