Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Austin Flea

On our way out to San Marcos over the weekend, we stopped by the Austin Flea.  We'd missed the last summer show and I just found out about this one the day before.  So glad we could stop for a minute and check out.  There were crafters, artists, vintage vendors and a live band...so fun!  It was held at the Spider House Cafe and Ballroom on Guadelupe and when we were truckin' it down there from North Austin, we saw so much burnt orange and white because of the UT game that day.  Hook 'em!

There were outdoor and indoor booths.  After driving around for a bit we found some street parking (I parallel parked, on the left, on a hill, in a curve...HOLLER!), and were met with this line of vendors.  We took a peek in Tasty Jewlery and After While Crocodile's booths before heading inside.
Disco balls and scalloped woodworking...I'm home!  We were greeted with a room chock full of variety of different vendors.  Austin Flea's website has a full list of who showed last weekend.
We stopped at Nothing but a Pigeon's booth and talked with Taylor's husband for a bit.  He told us that the name of her business came from someone in school trying to put her down, saying she'd be nothing but a pigeon.  Ha!  I love it.  Her stuff is so super cute!
See?  Super.  Cute.
I met Lisa from Feto Soap there, too.  I've been following her and a bunch of the other girls from Austin Craft Riot since we moved, so it was nice to check out her stuff in person.  I got her Tardis Blue nail polish...because Doctor Who.
She had a make-your-own-nail polish station set up at her booth.  How fun is that?!  I need to bring a swatch of the pink I use here on the blog so I can match it and make the ultimate pink polish!
There was another outdoor area around the back of the venue and we popped back there before heading out to continue our travels.
I'm so glad we did, because we found the most fun booth there!  Fruzworld makes the craziest stuff and I love them.  I'm totally going to stalk them on the internet.
Dinos and terrariums!  And comics and toys?  Yes.  Yes forever.

On our way out, I stopped to take a quick photo of HoneyPunch.  Being in an all girl band in high-school (have I told you that story before? There's some really embarrassing photos out there that I don't know if I have the guts to show you haha!), I've got a special place in my heart for chick bands.  These chicks are super fun and you should check them out.

I'm stoked that we could take a peek at this show!  Austin's got such a great craft/creative/maker scene and I'm so glad we get to be a part of that community now.  Are there any other local shows like Austin Flea that I should check out?!  I want to go to everything ^_^


  1. Thanks for stopping by my booth!

    Similar juried markets that are coming up are the Cherrywood Art Fair, Violet Crown Holiday Edition, Renegade Craft Fair & Blue Genie Art Bazaar.

  2. I have wanted to get down to the Austin Flea ever since I learned about it/them. Thank you so much for sharing this virtual visit! I especially enjoyed seeing that the band has an accordion and those awesome crocheted donuts!

    Thanks again - I enjoyed this very much!

  3. Hey lady! I wish I was there to meet you and chat but you met my husband and he's super nice. He's my better half. Ha! I love your blog, it's super cute and I'm so flattered that you featured me in it! Eeeeeep! Don't you just love Lisa of Feto Soap? She's the best!


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