Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Austin City-wide Garage Sale

A few weekends ago, Andy and I decided to visit the Austin City-wide Garage Sale.  I'd come across it while doing all my vintage and thrift googling and I couldn't resist.  Happening once a month in Austin, the Garage Sale is a collection of large and small sellers from across the area. You'll find great collections of furniture, toys and vintage clothing -- there's a little bit of everything! Very much like the DC Big Flea, the event is in an large, indoor area with the displays ranging from small vignettes of antiques to folding tables with mountains of old cameras.  There's stuff to see in every direction!  I didn't have my real camera with me, but I couldn't resist taking a ton of photos to share.  Take a look!
So much stuff!  As's best to just dive in at one side and make your way through.
I'm not sure how different the vendors are from show to show, but this show featured a vendor with tables and tables of linens, quilts, fabric, purses, you name it.   They all varied in price and condition, but if you dig, I'm sure you can find some treasures.
Some of the booths have especially great displays.  It can really help frame the objects in your mind and get you thinking about how they can fit in your life. For instance, seeing the lockers with that chair it make me think about how great would those lockers look in a sitting space. With a fresh coat of paint they would be a great conversation piece!  You could even store seasonal decorations in them!  Dangit.  Now I really want lockers.  I love a good display! 
We were eyeballing this record player so hard.  It was one of those credenza players...super mid-century...super gorgeous.
And so much Star Wars!  Andy and I were like O_O when we found this booth.
Those are original figures!!!  The price tags made me want to pass out, but it was so cool to see them.  It was like a mini Star Wars museum in the middle of a flea market.
And so many cameras!  I wish my mom was there so she could've identified all of them.  There were some that I'd never seen before!
So fun!
Another shot to give you the scale.
This booth had some amazing luggage and clothing.  See that Creature from the Black Lagoon costume?  So good.

It cost $5 per person to get into the garage sale, but I think it's well worth it.  There's tons of vendors with a variety of goods and even if you don't find anything, I always think it's fun explore.  I think we'll definitely make this a regular stop.

1 comment:

  1. I want so very, very badly to go and paw through stuff... lol


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