Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Ermine Vintage

Ermine Vintage
address : 106 E. North Loop Blvd., Austin, TX 78705
hours :  Tuesday - Sunday: 11pm - 7pm

On a tip from Nicole, a born and raised Austinite, I decided to check out North Loop for some vintage goodness this week. Good Lord I was not disappointed! There are five different shops within walking distance and they're all incredible.  So the next few weeks are going to be centered around this wonderful area.

Ermine Vintage was my first stop.  Most of the shops I visit are centered more around home decor and general kitsch.  I'm definitely not an expert on vintage clothing, but this shop made me want to overhaul my wardrobe.  The displays were perfection and everything was organized so well.  The racks were put together according to type of garment – maxi, midi, mini, romper, long-sleeve, t-shirt, shorts – and then those were organized by modern sizes.  I had no problem finding things that fit perfectly.  It's always such a guessing game in other shops and I end up have to alter whatever I get anyway.  Hence my hesitation with vintage clothing.  But Ermine made it so easy.

Everything they had was awesome and I got the best t-shirt and necklace while I was there!  Here's some photos of their gorgeous space!

Besides tons of lady clothes, like all vintage spots have, Ermine had a large selection of men's clothing, too. 
Boots forever!  So many pairs of perfectly worn boots.  Being away from Texas for a while makes you really appreciate just having a selection of boots readily available.
I don't know what Cookies '93 was, but I love it.
This is the part where my eyeballs turned into giant hearts.  I never quite know where to start, so this day I just dove in and looked at absolutely everything.
I loved the use of space here.  Every spot had a fun vignette or more displays, while not seeming cluttered.
So many dresses!  I might go back for that red plaid was gorgeous.
I'm just now noticing those gold tassel bow pumps and I'm about to faint at my desk!
There's a couple of display counters full of jewelry, too.
I mean seriously full.  And it's all gorgeous! 
I'm not usually a gold wearer, but that gold rose brooch, and the white rose with the bee are calling to meeee.
And speaking of brooches...
Elizabeth, the owner, was so nice and welcoming.  She even recommended some other vintage spots in the area.  I'm so glad she was there and we got a chance to talk!

I love this shop!  It's an absolute must see if you're into vintage clothing.  North Loop is old news to locals, but I'm so excited to discover treasures like these as we get acclimated to the area after being gone so long.  I'll definitely post what I bought here soon and I'll definitely be back...probably with everyone I know because they all need to visit.


  1. omg i'm so glad you took a little trip to north loop! i have actually only been in ermine once and it was the day they were moving into the store. whomever owned it before must have let something die in there because it smelled worse than anything i could describe. but i've wanted to go back--and now i know that i *need* to go back! (for the gold tassel heels, if nothing else..)

    i love hidden gems with lovely employees/owners. and i'm so excited about the arrangement of the racks you described! that's exactly how i shop, so i feel like the *get* me already!

    ps. thanks for the shout out!

    xo nicole

  2. I am going to come back to Austin specifically for thrifting, so this place is on my official list.
    xx Abby | a geek tragedy

  3. Nicole - You must go back! The organization makes everything so easy to browse ^_^ You'll love it!

    Abby! Yes! Holler at me the next time you're in town ^_^ Are you looking for clothes or stuff?

  4. All of those boots!! I wish we'd had time for actual shopping while in Austin! I had so much fun exploring shops there the other times I was there. Next time!


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