Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Blogcademy - Blogging Essentials, Personal Empowerment and Lots of Glitter

Blogcademy was more than I could've ever hoped it would be. Going into this two day workshop lead by Gala Darling, Kat Williams and Shauna Haider, I was excited to meet them and to get to know my other blogcadettes.  I had a pretty good idea about what materials would be covered and was ready to take that deep dive into the business and my own goals.  I had no idea that I would gain so much more.

On the Friday before class, I'd met a few of the other attendees for dinner, so we could get to know each other and have a few friendly faces when we got to class.  We decided on South Congress Cafe, and Nova made all the arrangements.  On my way to the cafe, I ran into Gala, Kat and Shauna!  It was so fun to meet them and say hey before the event ^_^ Dinner was great, the conversation was fun and it was so nice to see everyone at Vuka the next day.

One of the things I really liked about the group we had was the diversity in everyone's blogs.  We had music reviewers, spiritual mediums, make up artists, self-publishing gurus and bakers.  I loved talking to everyone and getting to know about their passions and goals.  Even though we all come from different places and have such varied interests, we're all such kindred spirits it was like walking into a room of instant friends.

photo by Jessica Monnich
The headmistresses were so welcoming and easy to talk to.  They were there to help and really listen to our questions and build us up.  They're also really pink and that makes me sooooo happy!  I'm not usually around chicks that dig pink and glitter as much as this weekend I really was with my people.

photo by Jessica Monnich
Also, the goody bag rumors are true.  Having been a sponsor myself, I know how exciting it is to see people loving (and linking!) your stuff, but now I know how awesome it is getting stuff haha!  The actual bag was designed by Shauna, with a giant Texas with a heart on Austin silk screened on the front.  I absolutely adore it and will use it forever and ever! Inside the bag...
  • The Aviary sent some of their original designed pocket mirrors.
  • The Strawberry Hedgehog provided the yummiest handmade soaps.  The Blueberry Lavender is my favorite!
  • Big Jon tossed in greeting cards.
  • Zevia Soda was fun and different addition to the bag.  I don't drink soda, but Andy will definitely try it out.
  • GG's Pinup Couture sent along some crazy sparkly hair clips.
  • Reeta Krishna's book, Wordpress for Beginners, is going to keep be busy for a while.  I'm nervous to take the leap, but I'm all about making educated decisions and this book looks thorough! 
  • And of course...the phenomenal glitter ears from Crown and Glory.  Seriously.  These are just super cute perfection and everyone should own a pair.  You put them on and instantly feel fabulous!  Kat's actually just come out with a line of incredible accessories with them and you should probably get one of each.
And this wasn't really a goody bag item, but they had prizes for best social media stuffs (best selfie, swag shot, venue shot, etc) and I totally won tickets to Austin City Limits for this instagram!  What?!

photo by Jessica Monnich
photo by Jessica Monnich
Look how studious I am!  My pen actually ran out of ink on the second day.  He fell in the line of duty, but his contributions to this blog will never be forgotten!  Gala and I giggled about the ridiculous drawing about it I posted on instagram haha.  Also...check out how awesome my Kitty purse is.  I take her everywhere and I lub her.  The pins on her ear are from my amazingly talented friend Lila...from the first time we met IRL!

photo by Miranda

Hooray for new friends!  Miranda and I bonded over love of Hanson (don't judge...there's nothing I can do about it) and she's just a short drive away, checking out the local music scene in Texas.  Kiriko and I actually met through my friend Emily just before the event.  They're both out in San Francisco and I'm so glad Kiriko made the trip and we were able to get to know each other. That chick is seriously cool.  Christine had the coolest accessory of the whole weekend.  And the best card...she's got a staff on them and wrote a custom tune for cool is that?! She's one of the locals like me and I hope we can meet up soon.  Oh...and I wore the most fabulous shoes I own.  I'm kicking myself for not getting a picture with the those chicks!
iphone photo by Jessica Monnich
Gala, Kat and Shauna started this workshop to teach people about the business of blogging.  But they did so much more than that.  Through their support, they connect people and help them grow their business and their lives.  Not only do I feel inspired by all the wonderful people I connected with, I feel empowered by the babes that got us all together.  I've got a lot I want to do with my little space on the internet and I know I can absolutely accomplish all of my goals...with room to add a few more as I go. 

photo by Jessica Monnich


  1. I need to go to this!! I saw Gala speak in 2010 (or 11?) at the 20sb Summit and (if I had the money) I would totally have gone to this.
    xx Abby | a geek tragedy

  2. i'm obsessed with your dress and crown & glory is about to take all my money. it looks like blogcademy was so much fun and such an incredible learning experience. i think it's so cool that you got to actually interact with the headmisteresses and that all the attendees were such kindred spirits. i also love that it seems to have been a smaller group so everyone got to meet and learn together, instead of being a mass of strangers.

    where are your ridiculously perfect shoes from???

    xo nicole

  3. Yay! I'm so glad to have met you and bonded over our mutual Hanson love. Even more excited about the Austin show in just a few weeks now! :)


  4. Such a great recap Becky! It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to the growth of your blog and your brand xoxo You definitely need to hit me up if you ever come out to San Francisco!

  5. Lol "there's nothing I can do about it" ��
    I didn't know you liked Hanson!

  6. Abby - that's awesome! It's definitely an investment...but it's totally worth it. The materials they go over are so thorough and they really take the time to sit and talk with you about everything.

  7. Nicole! Isn't Crown and Glory the best?! I might just wear my ears around town. And the dress is from Modcloth (as usual).

    Blogcademy was so different from TxSC...the smaller setting made it a lot more intimate and the headmistresses were really there to help with absolutely everything. I'd recommend it to anyone with a blog ^_^

    My shoes are from TheAisle, from a company called Somthing Bleu. I originally got them for my wedding, but went for even more ridiculously sparkly, pink heels instead haha!

  8. Miranda - Hanson fans really do share a special bond ^_^ Can't wait to see you againnnn!

  9. Kiriko! Thanks so much! I've been following your latest posts and can't wait to see how you build our your blog. I definitely want to come visit sometime ^_^

  10. Grace! Yep! Est. 1997. Hanson fans really do share a special bond haha


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