Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Favorite Vintage Profiles on Instagram

My instagram feed pretty much comprised of three things: cats, tattoos and vintage.  I mean really, it's mostly cats, but I wanted to talk about some of my favorite vintage profiles today.  Some profiles are people, some are online or brick and mortar shops, and some are instagram shops.  Most of them gravitate toward mid-century because I love the aesthetic and I want everything I own to come from the 60s.  So!  Here's my favorite's right now!

photo via piastorm
Pia Storm
I heard about Pia Storm from The Parader's blog and instantly knew I needed her photos in my daily life.  She posts outfits regularly and her wardrobe is out of control!  It's like she stepped right out of the 50's.  Pia also frequents vintage shops in her native Copenhagen and post pictures of her finds.  If you ever need a little daily vintage wardrobe inspiration, she's the one to follow.

photo via era_atomica
Era Atomica
Era Atomica is a shop based in Philadelphia and they specialize in Mid-Century furniture, home decor and kitchen stuffs.  I actually bought this giant kokeshi doll from them off of instagram!  They post new inventory they get in the shop and it's all enviable.  If you're in the Philly area, please stop by!

photo via uncommonobjects
Uncommon Objects
This shop is an Austin instution and one my "must sees" for any visitor to town.  It's located on South Congress and the interior will blow your mind.  Filled floor to ceiling with knicks, odds and ends, and every curiosity you could imagine, their instagram is just as fun as their shop.  Especially if you like taxidermy.

photo via deargolden
Dear Golden
Dear Golden has an Etsy shop that is out of this world.  I don't know where the owner finds all the gorgeous clothes...but I'm glad she does.  Her instagram profile is full of shop updates, behind the scenes clothing restoration, and outfit ideas made up of Dear Golden's current inventory.  The outfit inspiration is definitely my favorite part.

photo via mikasasucasa
Mikasa Su Casa
This profile is an instagram shop owned by Jenny Mitchell, who's the queen of vintage in my little internet world.  When we lived in Virginia, we drove 2 hours to one of the antique malls she frequents because her finds were so good!  She sells her treasures on this profile and started making "boxes of happy" with a variety of small finds.  She's got a great eye.

Feel free to follow along with my instagram @thepinksamurai.  I've got a touch of vintage, a few DIYs and lots of kittens!

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