Monday, August 19, 2013

Life Lately • Summer Days

As I decompress from another weekend of intense learning, I thought it would be fun to share a little bit about what's going on around Helms Deep.  We're gearing up for fall and still getting our new little home together.  Turks (above) is getting into everything.  Right now, at this very moment as I write, he's wiggin' out under the bed.  He loves the new bed skirt.  Weirdo.

Sprinkles is constantly in her favorite window spot and ignores most everything that's going on in the house.  Until you go to pour some water from the faucet.  To her, new water is better water and she's freaks out for it like treats.  Why are my cat's such weirdos?  They're way cute, thought, right?!  Look at that little paw!

Andy got me the coolest new cup! BMO! It's made my desk ever cuter and more fun ^_^ 
Our Tron collection is out and also fun and awesome.  We've been watching the new cartoon, which I really hope gets picked up for another season.  It's just such a cool world and the visuals are so different from everything else out there right now.  I would definitely recommend it if you're into the movies at all.
These are for a fun new project I teased a little bit about on instagram.  I've got a few made and I'm planning for a fun launch before the holidays!

It's been such a full month already and we've still got a couple of weeks left!  August is notoriously the hottest in Texas and I be lying if I said I didn't want a reason to wear a scarf right now haha!  How's August been treating you?  Are you ready for Fall...or want to hang on to Summer a little be longer?

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