Friday, August 16, 2013

July's Daily Drawings

We're about halfway through August now (omg hooooww?!) so I thought it would be fun to take a look at last month's daily drawings.

It was our first month in our new place after spending a month in temporary housing, so that means I had my whole wardrobe back!  And while I definitely have my Scoot-Around-The-House uniform, July was definitely more diverse and more fun to draw!

Let's see...there was the 4th of July...the worst bug bites ever...a perfect hair 200th drawing (!!!)...National Hot Dog Day...Turks's 4th many fun things!  Also, I apparently love to hold kittens when wearing my green maxi dress.  Who knew?

I hope you're still having fun checking these out every day!  I do think there should probably be more kittens in them, though.

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