Monday, August 12, 2013

Delightful Dates: Full Tilt Date

Andy and I have been married for almost two years now.  When we first got together, we'd name our dates...even if they were simple outings or just dinner.  Like, our first date was at Hard Times in Alexandria, VA.  It's a Texas chili place so we called it Chili Date.   Whenever we'd go to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, we'd call it Dino Date.  We went to the big Air and Space museum in Virginia and called it Space Date.

It's become a fun tradition for us and it makes us really appreciate the time we spend together as a couple.  So I thought I would share some of the dates we've been on and other date ideas to hopefully inspire couples to get out there and do fun stuff together.

Arcades can be hard to find these days and that's so sad.  We just found out about Pinballz in Austin and went as soon as we could!  Arcade dates are always so fun!  We got a cup full of tokens and hit the pinball machines first, looking for ones themed with our favorite TV show and movies.  It's so fun to play games that are based on things that we love to watch together!  Like the X-Files, Star Trek and Indiana Jones.  Some of our favorites!  We also found a Star Trek: Voyager shooter.  Who knew they even made one of those?!

Quick arcade date tip...the booth shooters are great for smoochin'!

Arcades also allow for games to play together.  Like the booths, racing games, zombie shooters, fun fighting games and team-up side-scrollers.  We rocked out Mario Kart, Marvel vs. Capcom, X-Men and TMNT: Turtles in Time.  So much fun!  And when you're on a date, it doesn't matter who wins, because you're there together and enjoying each other's company while making memories.

One of the last stops we always make is to the fortune telling machine.  They are so kitschy and fun and remind me of BIG ^_^ The first one we went to in Ocean City told me that it would be important to cultivate a relationship with a red-haired person haha!  I think that fortune was spot on.  They always give you such great souvenirs, too.  Oh!  And keep a look out for photobooths!  The ultimate date souvenir.

Are there any good arcades near you?  Ones in Austin that I've missed?  Pinballz is going to be a regular spot for us for a long time!

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