Saturday, August 10, 2013

Daily Drawing: 222 | Heroes

So today, Andy and I went to a showing of The Secret of NIMH at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.  It's been one of my favorite films since I was a kid and I was stoked they were showing it.  When I was reading about it on their site, though, I saw something that made me actually holler at my desk!  Don Bluth and Gary Goldman were going to be at the showing and would do a Q/A after!  AHHHH!  They are legends in the animation world and both NIMH and An American Tail are just imprinted on my soul.

The showing was today and it was a blast!  Their Q/A was thoughtful and candid and they used the time to impart some wisdom on the audience.  Don, especially, used the time to teach.  Explaining how to get better at drawing...monkey see, monkey do.  Copy, emulate and use that practical knowledge to create your own style.  They talked about ups and downs and how much it really meant to them that we were there.  They were both genuinely interested in how we all connected with the movie.

At the end of the Q/A the host of the event drew a random seat number to win an original movie poster AND THEY CALLED ANDY'S SEAT!  We never win stuff and this was just incredible!  After that, both Don Bluth and Gary Goldman took time for autographs and photos and we stood in line to get our new poster signed and shake their hands.  I can't even express how nice they were!  I was so nervous while I was in line, but when we finally got up there, they made us feel so comfortable.  Joking with us and making sure we held up the poster right for the photo.  Ugh!  Such a cool day!

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!

Ok...I have to share the pictures because it was so awesome!  I'm so honored to have gotten a chance to meet them.  And I'm amazed at their humility and generosity.  There needs to be more people like them in our world.

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