Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Daily Drawing: 218 | Hot Like Fire

We're under a heat advisory here in Central Texas.  I think it was around 104° today.  So I guess it was good I was sick and stayed inside all day :P  My lost voice turned into a general ick today, so I slept all day and snugged with kittens.  I'm turning 30 this year and it's amazing how much more slowly I'm able to bounce back from illness now.  Being someone who goes pretty much non-stop all the time, it can be a little frustrating to be stuck in bed.  But I've got a meeting in the morning and I still need to find a thrift shop for Thrifty Thursday this week, so today is rest day so I can go out tomorrow!

Are there any Austinites that have thrift shops or vintage boutiques they'd like to see?

This is part of my 365 project where I draw my outfits every day!  Check out my first post of the year for details!


  1. i'm so sorry you aren't feeling too hot (or should i say well, since everyone is feeling hot in austin these days). glad you made up for it with kitten snuggles.

    i went through your thrifty thursday archives and got to relive going to some of my favorite shops that i haven't explored in years--some since i was a little girl! my favorite places to go in austin are on north loop, which you haven't covered yet, so i'd recommend checking out room service, blue velvet, and hogwild!

    xo nicole

  2. Thanks for the recs, Nicole! I'm excited to check them out! I'm finally coming out of my funk (and kind of glad I had a reason to stay inside!), so I'll have some time to go exploring ^_^


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