Wednesday, July 31, 2013

That Time I Designed Fabric for a Scarf Collection

Last fall, in preparation for Crafty Bastards, I designed some fabric to make into circle scarves.  Using the color palette I had chosen for the crocheted scarves I was already making, I took some time and doodled up a bunch of patterns.  These were my favorites and I bit the bullet and ordered the fabric!

I used Spoonflower and got the designs printed on their Kona cotton.  The printing was better than I could've hoped for.  It was much more crisp and bright than I thought it would be.  The white was a little thin, you can tell from the photos, but the solid colors turned out beautifully.

The cats and arrows are my favorites, and were well received at Crafty Bastards.  But it's still pretty expensive to print, so I don't think I'll be doing any more of them.  I'm so glad I've still got these, though!  It was such a fun experience seeing something I designed turn into something tangible.  And then getting to make it into something wearable!  I love it.

I'm experimenting with different printing methods that are a little more hands-on and I'll definitely share it here!

I'd love to know what you think of these!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful scarves!! :) Bring some to the workshop in Austin! hehe


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