Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life Lately - Decorating for Fun and Creative Inspiration

As I mentioned in yesterday's Daily Drawing post (that have really turned into a diary of sorts), we've gotten most everything out of boxes and now we're on to decorating!  I've been referencing the Style Your Space e-course, that's offered over on A Beautiful Mess, and really taking my time with the process.  I want to make a space that's equal parts: homey, welcoming and creatively inspiring.

To me, this means photos.  All those great candids that give you a warm feeling as you remember where you were and who you were with.  Travel photos or just funny shots of the cats around the house.  A lot of homes in the house tours I see on design blogs are really missing out photographs and I think they seem a little sterile because of it. It's just so fun to share photos and moments with visitors! "Oh yeah, that's the time we climbed over the railing on White Rock Mesa and stood out on the edge!" or "That's when Andy was painting the custom domo I got him for Christmas!"  I love sharing those things and being able to relive them every day!

So there are lots of frames to buy and film to develop!  One of my goals for the summer is to take more photos so we can really record our first year here together.

I love Texas.  Anyone who knows me knows that I'm kind of ridiculously in love with this place.  So I want everyone I know to come stay with us so they can experience the people, the food, the fun community and everything else this great state has to offer!  In making our home welcoming, I want to have comfy places for people to crash, lost of seating so folks can sit around and watch movies and visit, and a fully stocked kitchen so I can feed everyone!  I want this to be a fun place and for everyone to know they're welcome anytime!

We sold / got ride of a lot of furniture for the move, but we've got some chairs that just need to be picked up and a lot of space that needs to be organized in the living room...but that's current longish-term goal.  There's some reupholstery in our future and the thought is kind of daunting haha!

 Creatively Inspiring 
Both of us are artists and are not shy to display all our geeky stuff.  I'm so excited to cover our walls with all the art we've been collecting together!  I've been working on our desk space and try to make it fun and bright with different textures and lots of color.  The two embroidered pieces are Andy's drawings and I made them just for that spot.  He actually drew Link right on the fabric!  In bringing different mediums to the space, I'm hoping to remind us that there are so many different ways to make awesome stuff ^_^  I think I'll do a couple of small paintings, too!  My goal is to have fun artwork everywhere you look in our space.

My next steps, which are on my to-do list today, is to measure all our un-framed pieces and pick up some frames!  I'm super excited to work on the gallery that will go above the couch, but we need so many frames!

So there's still a lot to do, but we've already come so far!  I'll post more photos as everything really starts to come together.  And maybe a few DIYs for some of the projects that are starting to pop up ^_^


  1. I love your 'I want to believe' poster and your Hello Kitty calendar. So cute! I've just moved country so I'm going through the same decorating phase as you at the moment. I agree that photos add a lot of soul to a house and that was the first box I opened when we received our shipment. As soon as the pics were out, it felt like home!

    I didn't know about the 'a beautiful mess' e-course so thanks for sharing x

  2. Thanks, Pearl! Photos really do make a house a home ^_^ And I definitely recommend that's a great read and has lots of inspiration!

    It's so good to know someone else is slogging through their stuff and moving in, too.


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