Sunday, July 21, 2013

Last Week, on Instagram...


Last week was so full!  
  • Unpacking nail polish
  • Sprinkles in her favorite spot
  • A Thrifty Thursday post about Cobblestone in Georgetown, TX
  • And Turks being a jerk
I also started playing along with Elsie and Emma's 30 days of self-portraits project to celebrate their book release.  I suppose taking selfies and drawing selfies is a little...self indulgent.  But whatever! It's fun :P

  • Sprinkles was also a great helper while I worked on my post of all my June girls
  • Andy drew a super sweet Link for an embroidery project I was working on.  (you can see him in the last photo!)
And things are finally starting to come together in our little space.  There's still some art to hang and shelves to acquire...but I'm already completely in love with this place and who I'm sharing it with ^_^

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